So I had an idea for a new feature: My dad always told me to take notice of all the cars broken down on the side of the highway when we go driving, and when it comes time for you to buy a car, don't buy what you saw broken down. Sounds simple, but this is good advice - We live in a day and age where you can't really believe reliability surveys from any car manufacturer, and sometimes a really-real-world test is what you see on the side of the road.
So what spurred this? well today, it was the 2007 Nissan Versa in the right lane of the lower level of the GWB at a dead stop, which I nearly hit at 60 MPH. Bad place to stop, even with your hazards flashing. I have heard not -so-good things about the Versa, especially given Nissan's legendary reliability of the bulletproof VQ motors. Guess I'll keep an eye out for more of them.
So from now on, I am going to report on what I see broken down, and perhaps chart it out using some crazy Excel skills at the end of the year for a completely unscientific test.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009
Put the damn phone down
Only twice today was I nearly sideswiped by someone texting while driving. The geniuses in Albany only recently made it illegal. It also isn't like there is a stereotype for this - The asses on the blackberries are just as bad as the high school girls who can barely drive as is. Seriously though, this should be license suspension. But heres a great video from the other side of the pond.
driving tips,
stupid drivers,
travel by car,
lots of miles, one bad pothole
What a long weekend. Logged in probably close to 500 miles of driving this weekend visiting family and friends. Traffic wasn't that bad. I have to work most of this week, and I expect it to be light for the most part in the mornings, and a bit heavier on the way home. Holiday traffic patters are sometimes hard to call because of the amount of inexperienced drivers are on the road yield a larger percentage of accidents, which equal delays. but overall, its a lot lighter.
I am also sorry to report that i didn't get either the X5 or the 98 Suby Legacy GT 5 speed I asked for this Christmas.
Also, be on the lookout for a huge pothole that has opened up on the ramp from the Grand Central to Clearview. it's one of those thats barely noticeable until your on top of it, and next thing you know, you need a new rim.
I am also sorry to report that i didn't get either the X5 or the 98 Suby Legacy GT 5 speed I asked for this Christmas.
Also, be on the lookout for a huge pothole that has opened up on the ramp from the Grand Central to Clearview. it's one of those thats barely noticeable until your on top of it, and next thing you know, you need a new rim.
driving tips,
stupid drivers,
travel by car,
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Thanks for getting wedged under a bridge, metro NY appreciates it.
I want to thank the trucker that decided to wedge himself under the bridge @Jerome Ave last night that had me sitting on the CBX for 90 minutes at a dead stop. This incident also fouled traffic throughout the metro area.
But seriously, whats up with traffic this year? It used to be this week was very quiet, with no one on the road, and this year, its mayhem with an average commute time of two hours each way.
My assumption is that less people are flying, and less people are taking time off this year. with Christmas falling on a Friday, people are just taking long weekends rather than the whole week off, which is creating massive traffic.
This will be my last post for this season. i'm taking advantage of my companies awesome work from home policy tomorrow, and will be off for Christmas.
On another note, I hope I get the new BMW X5 Turbo Diesel for Christmas this year (i wont) - I took a press fleet vehicle on tour through the California back road twisties and through the woods and mountains off-roading. The engine is a torquey monster,propelling me up hills of mud and getting me some pretty weird looks from the locals who aren't accustomed to seeing a $60K SUV on their trails with all-season tires. its a combination of ride height to body roll ratio i didn't think possible, combined with the smooth tiptronic gearbox and amazing AWD, to make this an amazing ride.
Happy Holidays!
But seriously, whats up with traffic this year? It used to be this week was very quiet, with no one on the road, and this year, its mayhem with an average commute time of two hours each way.
My assumption is that less people are flying, and less people are taking time off this year. with Christmas falling on a Friday, people are just taking long weekends rather than the whole week off, which is creating massive traffic.
This will be my last post for this season. i'm taking advantage of my companies awesome work from home policy tomorrow, and will be off for Christmas.
On another note, I hope I get the new BMW X5 Turbo Diesel for Christmas this year (i wont) - I took a press fleet vehicle on tour through the California back road twisties and through the woods and mountains off-roading. The engine is a torquey monster,propelling me up hills of mud and getting me some pretty weird looks from the locals who aren't accustomed to seeing a $60K SUV on their trails with all-season tires. its a combination of ride height to body roll ratio i didn't think possible, combined with the smooth tiptronic gearbox and amazing AWD, to make this an amazing ride.
Happy Holidays!
commuting life,
off road,
stupid drivers,
Monday, December 21, 2009
Another Hazard of Winter Driving
I'm back from sunny SoCal only to wake up to 2 feet of snow and blizzard conditions in Long Island. While us upstate natives call this a "dusting", its usually cause for panic amongst metro NY drivers. It is also a very good time to tell my fellow commuters CLEAN THE SNOW OFF YOUR DAMN ROOF!
I always see this for a few days after a heavy snow- People leave a mass of snow on top of their car, only to have it ice up and then fly off into unsuspecting motorists at highway speed. I have personally felt this, as a few years ago I was hit with an ice ball that shattered my windshield at about 60 MPH. OK, I understand if you drive an 18 wheeler where the issues might be, but for those of you with SUV's, and even smaller passenger cars, it amounts to laziness. Laziness that could be deadly for your fellow motorists.
Did you know its also the law now? NJ just passed it as a state law that roofs must be cleaned off, ( and in NY, if snow and ice fly off your car, you are responsible for damages incurred to other drivers vehicles.
I have also noticed a few hotspots to be extra cautions of falling snow and ice. On the inbound GWB, right as it enters the CBX, this is when trucks usually get up to highway speed, and an updraft will almost always result in ice and snow flying off, even into the outbound lanes. Additional areas to watch out for are around rest areas where trucks sit for the night, and then pull on to the highway. alos, on ramps in general are where most issues happen, as cars get up to speed.
So what do you do if you see an iceberg headed for you? Try and anticipate its travel path. Typically, it will fly straight back, and if the winds catching it, you might be able to accelerate under it. Swerving should be kept to a minimum, as road conditions are usually sandy or icy and not fit for high speed evasive maneuvers. Usually, the better move is to the right, because if it does angle, it will usually go left. (I have no idea why this is, scientifically.)
But as always, the best evasive maneuver is awareness. take the time to scan ahead for cars and trucks that are potential threats, and get ahead or far behind them.
I always see this for a few days after a heavy snow- People leave a mass of snow on top of their car, only to have it ice up and then fly off into unsuspecting motorists at highway speed. I have personally felt this, as a few years ago I was hit with an ice ball that shattered my windshield at about 60 MPH. OK, I understand if you drive an 18 wheeler where the issues might be, but for those of you with SUV's, and even smaller passenger cars, it amounts to laziness. Laziness that could be deadly for your fellow motorists.
Did you know its also the law now? NJ just passed it as a state law that roofs must be cleaned off, ( and in NY, if snow and ice fly off your car, you are responsible for damages incurred to other drivers vehicles.
I have also noticed a few hotspots to be extra cautions of falling snow and ice. On the inbound GWB, right as it enters the CBX, this is when trucks usually get up to highway speed, and an updraft will almost always result in ice and snow flying off, even into the outbound lanes. Additional areas to watch out for are around rest areas where trucks sit for the night, and then pull on to the highway. alos, on ramps in general are where most issues happen, as cars get up to speed.
So what do you do if you see an iceberg headed for you? Try and anticipate its travel path. Typically, it will fly straight back, and if the winds catching it, you might be able to accelerate under it. Swerving should be kept to a minimum, as road conditions are usually sandy or icy and not fit for high speed evasive maneuvers. Usually, the better move is to the right, because if it does angle, it will usually go left. (I have no idea why this is, scientifically.)
But as always, the best evasive maneuver is awareness. take the time to scan ahead for cars and trucks that are potential threats, and get ahead or far behind them.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Hidden Gem - Rt. 46
Massive inbound GWB delays? This is a secret that I’m not sure I should be sharing. When coming from NJ on the Western spur of 95N, take Rt. 46 eastbound when you know traffic is bad on the other approaches. The on Ramp might look like its backed up, but the reward is usually about 30 minutes off of your commute, and it drops you off with easy access to both levels of the GWB. Good to know on weekends, when the tolls are backed up with tourists, this route is usually free and clear.
driving tips,
stupid drivers,
travel by car,
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
'Tis the Season for TPMS
So now that it is starting to get cold here in the Northeast, a lot of motorists are now noticing a new symbol which may have appeared in their dash over the holday weekened. It looks a little something like this...
[caption id="attachment_17" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="courtesy"]
That huge exclamation point makes you feel like your engine is about to explode if you don't go to a shop right now, but relax, this is just your cars Tire Pressure Monitoring System, (or TPMS) kicking in. When is gets colder, air contracts and reduces tire pressure slightly. Usually not enough to be dangerous, but certainly enough to trip the sensor.
How do you fix this problem? Go check your tires recommended PSI,(usually inside driver-side door) fill it up, and wait for the sensor to eventually turn itself off (This could take a week or two).
[caption id="attachment_17" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="courtesy"]
That huge exclamation point makes you feel like your engine is about to explode if you don't go to a shop right now, but relax, this is just your cars Tire Pressure Monitoring System, (or TPMS) kicking in. When is gets colder, air contracts and reduces tire pressure slightly. Usually not enough to be dangerous, but certainly enough to trip the sensor.
How do you fix this problem? Go check your tires recommended PSI,(usually inside driver-side door) fill it up, and wait for the sensor to eventually turn itself off (This could take a week or two).
exclamation point,
idiot light,
Tire pressure,
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Tips for Holiday Travel
This Thanksgiving Holiday, there are a few things that will most certainly happen. You will eat turkey. You will wish you ate less, and if you travel, you will get stuck in traffic. Here is how to make this easier and safer for you and your family.
All joy, goodwill and togetherness that is invoked by the holiday goes out the window in bumper to bumper traffic. People get mean. There are a lot of people on the road who don't frequently drive in traffic, and as a result are stressed and prone to irrational actions. These tips will hopefully save you time and make you safer.
1. This is where your EZ Pass pays off. Don't leave this at home, as the cash lanes will become clogged with travelers and those trying to cut in line will hold up the EZ Pass lanes. If you know your route, take the path with less cash lanes, for example on the GWB, always take the lower level, because the upper will be clogged with travellers. If there is no alternative option, always shoot for the middle lane. Also, scan ahead at the lift gates at the lanes, and make sure you pick a lane thats has gates rising and falling, indicating activity. Otherwise, you might get caught behind someone who meandered into the wrong lane. But also watch out. Those full speed, 55 MPH EZ Pass lanes are great, until you get behind someone who doesn't realize what they are, and slams on their brakes in traffic. Be ready for it, as the pileup is inevitable this holiday season
2. Leave extra time. Less rush = less panic= less stress
3. Check your fluids, tire pressure and other important items on your car - breaking down in worse in the cold, and stop and go traffic is brutal on a motor and will cause already worn components to fail
4. Let it ride- For some reason, the holidays create stress. On the eve of major holidays is actually when I have witnessed the most instances of road rage and angst behind the wheel from fellow drivers. People yell, cut each other off. Bear in mind that as seasoned commuters, we are now sharing the road with people who don't drive as often and don't know where they are going. This will mean sudden lane changes, sudden stops and other dangerous maneuvers. Give them room, anticipate their actions.
5. Don't be that guy -We all love our GPS systems, but if you use it frequently, we know they like to lie to us. Always double check your route if you are unfamiliar.
6. Know your alternate routes - if you are going to New England or upstate NY, remember the Merritt Parkway(CT), the Taconic, Rt. 52,(NY) Rt 34 (CT) and 684 (NY) are all good thruway alternatives. If in NJ, check for traffic on the Eastern or Western spur, and if you find yourself stuck, switch spurs through the Vincent Lombardi Service Area. Also, don't forget about Rt. 46, a great alternate to the GWB. If you can, avoid the CBX and Belt at all costs.
7. Inclement weather is even more dangerous. Now that more cars have AWD, travelers who dont drive as much think this makes them invincible to the elements. You and I know All wheel "drive" is really all wheel "slide". Let them pass you, and then you can pass them later when they are in a ditch.
8. If you get pulled over, don't try to talk your way out of ticket using the "have a heart, it's the holidays" line. There is a lot of other places the cop would rather be than on patrol. You are going to have to be much more creative.
9. On the eve of a holiday, expect to be stuck anytime between 3 pm and 10 pm. On the holiday itself, peak travel time are between 7 and 3 pm.
10. If you are picking people up at the airport, arrange for a pickup in not the usual area. Usually departure gates will be less packed, depending on what time you go, and sometimes it might even be better to arrange pickup at another termina
11. And Finally - Be Uber defensive - When coming home at night, remember a lot of people will be filled with wine and turkey, which means buzzed drivers, slower reaction times, and people falling asleep behind the wheel. Now is the time that you need to be defensive for your own safety, and remember that not everyone will obey the rules of the road. On that note, be careful and be safe and limit your intake of alcohol and turkey.
Have a safe and happy holiday!
All joy, goodwill and togetherness that is invoked by the holiday goes out the window in bumper to bumper traffic. People get mean. There are a lot of people on the road who don't frequently drive in traffic, and as a result are stressed and prone to irrational actions. These tips will hopefully save you time and make you safer.
1. This is where your EZ Pass pays off. Don't leave this at home, as the cash lanes will become clogged with travelers and those trying to cut in line will hold up the EZ Pass lanes. If you know your route, take the path with less cash lanes, for example on the GWB, always take the lower level, because the upper will be clogged with travellers. If there is no alternative option, always shoot for the middle lane. Also, scan ahead at the lift gates at the lanes, and make sure you pick a lane thats has gates rising and falling, indicating activity. Otherwise, you might get caught behind someone who meandered into the wrong lane. But also watch out. Those full speed, 55 MPH EZ Pass lanes are great, until you get behind someone who doesn't realize what they are, and slams on their brakes in traffic. Be ready for it, as the pileup is inevitable this holiday season
2. Leave extra time. Less rush = less panic= less stress
3. Check your fluids, tire pressure and other important items on your car - breaking down in worse in the cold, and stop and go traffic is brutal on a motor and will cause already worn components to fail
4. Let it ride- For some reason, the holidays create stress. On the eve of major holidays is actually when I have witnessed the most instances of road rage and angst behind the wheel from fellow drivers. People yell, cut each other off. Bear in mind that as seasoned commuters, we are now sharing the road with people who don't drive as often and don't know where they are going. This will mean sudden lane changes, sudden stops and other dangerous maneuvers. Give them room, anticipate their actions.
5. Don't be that guy -We all love our GPS systems, but if you use it frequently, we know they like to lie to us. Always double check your route if you are unfamiliar.
6. Know your alternate routes - if you are going to New England or upstate NY, remember the Merritt Parkway(CT), the Taconic, Rt. 52,(NY) Rt 34 (CT) and 684 (NY) are all good thruway alternatives. If in NJ, check for traffic on the Eastern or Western spur, and if you find yourself stuck, switch spurs through the Vincent Lombardi Service Area. Also, don't forget about Rt. 46, a great alternate to the GWB. If you can, avoid the CBX and Belt at all costs.
7. Inclement weather is even more dangerous. Now that more cars have AWD, travelers who dont drive as much think this makes them invincible to the elements. You and I know All wheel "drive" is really all wheel "slide". Let them pass you, and then you can pass them later when they are in a ditch.
8. If you get pulled over, don't try to talk your way out of ticket using the "have a heart, it's the holidays" line. There is a lot of other places the cop would rather be than on patrol. You are going to have to be much more creative.
9. On the eve of a holiday, expect to be stuck anytime between 3 pm and 10 pm. On the holiday itself, peak travel time are between 7 and 3 pm.
10. If you are picking people up at the airport, arrange for a pickup in not the usual area. Usually departure gates will be less packed, depending on what time you go, and sometimes it might even be better to arrange pickup at another termina
11. And Finally - Be Uber defensive - When coming home at night, remember a lot of people will be filled with wine and turkey, which means buzzed drivers, slower reaction times, and people falling asleep behind the wheel. Now is the time that you need to be defensive for your own safety, and remember that not everyone will obey the rules of the road. On that note, be careful and be safe and limit your intake of alcohol and turkey.
Have a safe and happy holiday!
Holiday Travel,
road trips,
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
The Journey Begins...
The other day I looked at the “time stopped” function on my GPS. It was at 25 hours. This was an epiphany – All of a sudden, I realized that in the past few months since resetting it, I had literally wasted more than a day of my life at a dead stop in traffic.
I drive 107 miles to work every day from Long Island to Jersey. While I know some people might drive further, and some even have to fly to work, my route that takes me through two states, five counties, across the Cross Bronx (AKA, [the CBX] the worst road in America, according to AAA, one billion years running), three parkways, four toll plazas and over two major bridges. This is a testament to patience, endurance, and has led to an endless search of ways to fill my time and somehow make this journey less painful. Now I want to share my experiences and findings with my fellow motorists.
I am going to review cars, driving gadgets and talk about the interesting things I see on my commute, and share ways to ease the pain of commuting. I might dedicate some time to things that are helpful, things that piss me off, and things i see along the way.
I drive 107 miles to work every day from Long Island to Jersey. While I know some people might drive further, and some even have to fly to work, my route that takes me through two states, five counties, across the Cross Bronx (AKA, [the CBX] the worst road in America, according to AAA, one billion years running), three parkways, four toll plazas and over two major bridges. This is a testament to patience, endurance, and has led to an endless search of ways to fill my time and somehow make this journey less painful. Now I want to share my experiences and findings with my fellow motorists.
I am going to review cars, driving gadgets and talk about the interesting things I see on my commute, and share ways to ease the pain of commuting. I might dedicate some time to things that are helpful, things that piss me off, and things i see along the way.
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